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Prenatal Genetic Screening

It is the choice of every woman and their family if they would like to pursue testing to determine the likelihood of their child being born with certain conditions, such as Trisomy 21 (Downs syndrome), Trisomy 18 and neural tube defects (such as spina bifida). Please read the resources below, and discuss this information with your family, family physician and ourselves. We are happy to support your decision, whether you are planning to proceed with this screening or not.


SOGC information on prenatal screening


Genetics Education Canada - Knowledge Organization (GEC-KO)

Prenatal Genetic Screening information and summary







Prenatal Screening Ontario website


Panorama (NIPT through LifeLabs)


© 2025 by Collingwood Women's Health Clinic

28 Huron Street, Suite 200, Collingwood, ON, L9Y 1C4

Phone: (705) 445-9468   Fax: (844) 528-1433

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